The Sector add-on Event content type lets you create events with a defined start date, end date, and location. This guide explains how to add and edit your event content.
The Sector Portfolio add-on offers a simple way to add a promotional portfolio or showcase to your site. This guide explains how to add and edit your portfolio content.
The Content section of the AdminUI lets you create, view, and edit content - it will be one of the areas you access the most in the backend of your site.
You can access the content section by going to 'Content' in the AdminUI toolbar.
The Sector Blog add-on offers a simple and easy to use blog to publish updates, engage with your audience, or collaborate across teams and locations. This guide explains how to add and edit your blog posts.
If your site has the Sector Contact add-on, you can add a person, team, or generic contact to your site. The contacts are displayed on a Contacts landing page.
In Sector, you can attach 'related content' to nodes of most content types. This related content can be in the form of attached files or links to other content (internal and external).