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Sector URL pattern configuration

We are updating our documentation library to be ready for Sector 10! Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap or head straight to our collection of Sector 10 - Changes and Updates.

User role
Content Administrator Drupal Sitebuilder
Content planning and curation
Content types and displays
Sector Starter kit

The pathauto module (a Sector default) generates human-readable URLs for nodes, taxonomy terms and other entities based on a configurable pattern.

The content editors don't need to manually specify a URL – they can, however, overwrite the automated URL on a node. 


Each Sector content type comes with its own preconfigured pattern either based on a hierarchical menu or a set path, and the specific path is documented with each content type. 

Last updated

Sector 10 is coming!

Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap.

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