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The Deep End - Advanced Content Editing

Mastered editing content in content types? Sector also allows editorial users to complete more advanced editorial tasks - with some tasks reserved for content administrators.

User roles:
Content Editor,
Content Administrator
  • Working with Sector's in-page Table of Contents (Sector 10)

    In-page navigation elements can significantly improve usability on longer pages. The optional Sector Table of Contents feature provides a simple ToC automated from headings in the main body content.  

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  • Editing the homepage

    The homepage is built from many parts and editing it is different to how you edit other content. In this article you can see how to make changes to different parts of the homepage.

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  • Working with menus and menu items

    Page nodes are hierarchical content organised in menus. Out of the box, your Sector site will have two public facing menus - the main menu and a tertiary menu (footer).
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  • Using WYSIWYG templates

    WYSIWYG templates allow you to expand the standard formatting options and to display your content in a more engaging way. This guide explains how use the templates in your WYSIWYG editor. 

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  • Creating, reverting, and managing revisions

    Revisions are used to keep track of changes made to content - this allows you to go back in time and to revert the node back to a previous version if needed.
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  • Editing content in blocks

    Blocks are used for placing blocks of content on your site (such as the footer and other content that is not in a node). Users with the content administrator role are able to edit blocks.
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  • Introduction to taxonomies

    In Sector, we use taxonomies as filter criteria, to add metadata, and to label content - as well as for some magic behind the scenes. This guide introduces the concepts of taxonomies and explains what each of the taxonomies do. 

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  • Managing taxonomies

    Drupal’s taxonomy management allows you to sort, organise, and label your content. The terms in a taxonomy can be used, for example, as filters for your resource library.

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  • Adding URL redirects

    In Sector, content administrators can add redirects from a specified URL path to an existing node on the website.

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