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iStudent (


iStudent (

iStudent is a dispute resolution service for international students in New Zealand. Their website needed updating to Drupal 8, so the opportunity for a redesign was taken and Sector was a great fit for it.

The new site is much lighter, friendlier, and easier to use - ideal for stressed students trying to resolve issues with their education provider.

Features worth noting:

  • Help widgets on the homepage
  • Multi-page complaint form with translations
  • Resources to help students (using Sector Resource content type for case studies, decisions, and publications)
  • Sector Index A-Z for FAQs


Sector 10 is coming!

Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap.

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Sector is brought to you by Sparks Interactive - supporting Sector from Wellington and Auckland

Open Source award winner!

Sparks Interactive are delighted to accept the Open Source Use in Business award for Sector and the open source platform.

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